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★(956) 大統領の本音が聞けるようになったという点は新鮮じゃない?・・But isn't it refreshing to finally be able to listen to someone who says what he thinks?
  • (2021-06-17 09:19:54)
Liars, Leakers, and Liberals
筆者 Jeanine Pirro
出版 Center Street





To be sure, Trump was not your typical, politically correct candidate. Unlike the two-faced parasites in Washington, he really wanted to make America great again. They tagged him with every negative characterization they could. They called him a fascist, a racist, and twisted everything he said. Why? Because he was a threat to the greedy, corrupt Washington insiders who had captured our government.

「たしかに、トランプは伝統的な清く正しい大統領候補ではなかった。ワシントンに巣食う二枚舌を使う者たちとは違って、トランプは本当にアメリカを再び偉大な国にしたいと思っていた。政界の寄生虫たちはありとあらゆる悪名をトランプにきせた。トランプのことをファシストや人種差別主義者と呼び、トランプが言うことすべてを曲解した。なぜだろうか? 政府を支配する欲深くて堕落したワシントン政界のインサイダーたちにとって、トランプが脅威だったからだ」


Remember ISIS? We don't hear much about them anymore, do we? That's because President Trump has accomplished in a matter of months what the Obama administration couldn't do in years. By simply working with allies and lifting unnecessary restrictions on America's military, ISIS has been effectively decimated. Nearly 100 percent of its territory has been liberated since President Trump took office. How often has the media congratulated his administration on this decisive victory?

「ISIS(イスラム国)のことを覚えていますか? 最近、聞かくなりましたよね? これも、トランプ大統領がものの数か月のうちに解決したからだ。オバマ政権が何年かかってもできなかったことだ。同盟国と協力し、アメリカ軍に絡む不要な規制を排除しただけで、ISISは事実上、撲滅された。トランプが大統領になってから、占領されていた地域はほぼ100%解放された。この決定的な勝利に関してメディアはトランプ政権をどれだけ評価しましたかね?」


This is the Trump administration I've seen firsthand. It's quite different from the fictional one you've been told about by the twenty-four/seven anti-Trump hate campaign. Let me tell you something, if one-tenth of the lies you've been told about the president, his family, and his administration were true, I wouldn’t have been friends with Donald Trump for over thirty years. I wouldn't have put up with the boogeyman the media have created. Luckily, that boogeyman doesn't exist, least of all in the Oval Office.



Okay, I'll give you this: Sometimes the president isn't as politically correct as LIAR Obama. But isn't it refreshing to finally be able to listen to someone who says what he thinks? To hell with political correctness. A nation exhausted after eight years of Obama's “I say what I mean and mean what I say” doubletalk were starving for the straight talk Trump delivered. Sometimes his wording is a little rough around the edges. But Donald Trump feels the way much of America feels, and that's why he was elected our president.


But isn't it refreshing to finally be able to listen to someone who says what he thinks?


<< ★(957) あなたは人間とは思えない・・I don’t think you have a soul.< | >★(955) すべてのニュースは、操作され、デザインされ、計画され、仕込まれてきた・・All news was manipulated and designed, planned and planted. >>

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