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★(905) こんなはずじゃない、こんな死に方じゃない・・I don't deserve this... to die like this.
  • (2021-05-15 17:19:50)

Little Bill: You just shot an unarmed man.
Bill Munny: He should have armed himself if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend.

Little Bill: You'd be William Munny out of Missouri. Killer of women and children.
Bill Munny: That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.

Little Bill: I don't deserve this... to die like this. I was building a house.
Bill Munny: Deserve's got nothin' to do with it.
Little Bill: I'll see you in hell, William Munny.
Bill Munny: Yeah.



唐突に出てくる「I was building a house」が美しい。


「Deserve has got nothing to do with it」

Little Billは「I'll see you in hell, William Munny」



<< ★(906) 自業自得は、オレたちも同じだ・・We all got it coming, kid.< | >★(904) 死体で店を飾るなら、それなりの覚悟をすべきだ・・He should have armed himself if he's gonna decorate his saloon with my friend. >>

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