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★(443) 完全試合をやり遂げようとしているピッチャーのような気分だ・・I could feel myself getting wound up like a pitcher with a no-hitter going. This had to be the most amazing merchandising operation that I had ever seen.
  • (2020-06-01 09:17:18)




Whether she was teasing or being candid or simply using the mention of her boyfriend as a ploy to discourage this inquisitive middle-aged guy who might be a masher, I couldn't tell, and I cared not at all. It was not her sex appeal but the obvious relish with which she devoured the hamburger that made my pulse begin to hammer with excitement. Her appetite was magnified for me by the many people in cars filled in the parking lot, and I could feel myself getting wound up like a pitcher with a no-hitter going. This had to be the most amazing merchandising operation that I had ever seen.


I could feel myself getting wound up like a pitcher with a no-hitter going. This had to be the most amazing merchandising operation that I had ever seen.


<< ★(444) 料理の各工程が極限まで簡略化され最低限の労力で実施されるシステムに魅惑された・・I was fascinated by the simplicity and effectiveness of the system they described that night. Each step in producing the limited menu was stripped down to its essence and accomplished with a minimum of effort.< | >★(442) その日ハンバーガーを食べたかどうか記憶がない・・I don't remember whether I ate a hamburger for lunch that day or not. >>

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