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★(306) 自分が幸福というだけでは足りない、他人が不幸でなければ・・It is not enough to be happy, it is also necessary that others not be.
  • (2020-05-10 15:35:07)

It is not enough to be happy, it is also necessary that others not be.


<< ★(307) 世界は善良とそうでない人々に別れてたようだ・・It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.< | >★(305) 死や困難が恐ろしいわけでない、それに対する恐怖心が怖い・・It is not death or hardship that is dreadful, but the fear of death and hardship. >>

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